Proficiency Based Promotion
Proficiency Based Promotion (PBP) is a process which awards credit for students’ knowledge in the core curriculum areas, including reading, language arts, math, science, social studies and foreign languages, through an assessment process. It is available to students in grades 1-12.
The opportunity for proficiency based testing usually is scheduled once or twice a year, at a time that will enable Broken Arrow Public Schools to make appropriate decisions regarding the advancement and placement of students who choose to take advantage of this option.
The parent/guardian will need to fill out the Proficiency Based Testing application (pdf) and return the completed form to their student's counselor. Applications are also available at the Education Service Center. The completed application and past academic performance will be evaluated by the Assessment Department. The parent/guardian will be notified of the determination and scheduling of the requested proficiency based tests. A letter outlining PBP test information, including time and test specifics for each student, will be mailed out approximately one week prior to the test date.
Students demonstrating proficiency will have the opportunity to advance to the next level of study. Failure to demonstrate proficiency will not be noted on the student’s transcript.