Engage BA: Connecting the Community to the Classroom
Broken Arrow Public Schools strives to involve the community in our schools. The philosophy of Engage BA is an open-door policy welcoming community and business leaders into our classrooms. These partnerships create unique and real-world student experiences.
Businesses, organizations and individuals can connect to schools in a variety of ways - such as donating resources, time and expertise - to create a positive impact on Broken Arrow students. These partnerships promote a school culture in which students attend regularly, become knowledgeable about career opportunities in their community and develop a sense of responsibility for their community. Mentoring students, hosting student interns, serving as a guest speaker, reading to a class and participating in district events also make a positive impact on Broken Arrow students. There's no shortage of ways to engage with BA students.
To get connected, please contact Community Relations Coordinator Chase Elkins at Email Chase Elkins or 918-259-7473. He will connect you with a school site representative to determine the best fit between the school's needs and your organization's goals and availability.