About Us
Since its formation in 1904, Broken Arrow Public Schools has become a dynamic leader in public education. The district resides in an urban-suburban community with nearby agricultural areas and a growing business and industrial base. Serving more than 20,000 students, the district has three early childhood centers (Pre-K), 16 elementary schools (grades K-5), five middle schools (grades 6-8), one freshman academy (ninth grade), one high school (grades 10-12), one options academy, one innovation academy, one Early College Academy and one virtual academy.
Broken Arrow High School and the Freshman Academy are fully accredited by the state of Oklahoma and the North Central Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges.
The annual report about Broken Arrow Public Schools provides an overview of the district’s students, employees, budget, facilities and boundary maps.
Mission Statement
The mission of Broken Arrow Public Schools is to educate, equip and empower a community of learners by providing dynamic learning opportunities which enable all students to be successful.
Core Values - Our Noble Cause
We embrace the responsibility of our calling.
Each of us is accountable to serve our students, our district and our community. We do it with honesty, integrity and transparency.
We are passionate about learning.
We consistently seek new ways to lead and follow our students into the future.
We are a student-focused, relationship driven school district.
We strive to engage our students and community through kindness, compassion and empathy.
We celebrate and find strength in our diversity.
It takes people with different ideas, interests and backgrounds to drive our district forward.
Broken Arrow Public Schools believes…
In utilizing 21st Century technology in achieving academic success
All students will be college or career ready
Community beliefs and values are paramount to the development of our children
In a culture of collaboration and respect for internal and external stakeholders
In fostering an atmosphere of employee engagement and open communication
In community partnerships
In a culture of excellence that demonstrates trust, professionalism, integrity and character
In providing quality student opportunities
In promoting an environment that recognizes and celebrates successes
Diversity enriches our learning environment
We are responsible for building upon the rich history we have created
Tiger Challenge Program
In an effort to encourage the development of positive character traits in students, Broken Arrow Public Schools added the T.I.G.E.R. Challenge into its curriculum and extracurricular activities. This districtwide program is based on five core values: tenacity, integrity, gratitude, expectation and respect, all of which create lifelong student success.
Tiger Creed
“I am a Tiger. I am TENACIOUS in pursuit of my goals. I act with INTEGRITY and show GRATITUDE in my daily life. I have high EXPECTATIONS for myself and others, and I show RESPECT through my actions and words. I am a Tiger.”